Round Midnight

Round Midnight met Kees Heus - 5 juni

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  3. Round Midnight met Kees Heus - 5 juni

wo 5 juni 2024

Dwight Trible/Life force trio - Its music 

Marc Mac, Visioneers - The World Is Yours 

Reuben Wilson - We're In Love

Heather Victoria - One Love 4

DJ HARRISON - Woodpecker Road

Tenorio jr - Nebulosa

Vox Populi - vera cruz

Elis Regina - vera cruz

Música Macondo - ILU OBA DE MIN - Iansã

The Zawose Queens - Maisha

Kofi Flexxx - Increase Awareness (ft. ganavya)

Niecy Blues - Lament

Mia Doi Todd - River of Life 

Amaro Freitas - Y’Y

Amaro Freitas - Rasif